Want a “BEASTLY” Body Part?

Naked for bulging biceps. 16g protein. High potassium.
Creative Commons License photo credit: stefanpinto

Wassup guys,

I have a question for you.

Have you ever walked into a gym, went into a store, walked on the beach or just plain 'ol gone somewhere and seen someone whose Monstrously Jacked. I mean, you had to practically stop in your tracks and say "That guys a BEAST!!!"

I'm talking BIG to the point where as soon as you see them, you're looking for the first thing you can pick up and hit them with just in case they "snap" and come charging at you. (Yeah, weird stuff like that jumps into my head 🙂

Interesting Story:

I was just finishing up in the shower at my gym and I overheard these two guys talking.

One kid was like "Did you see that guy's arms?..... they were freaking HUGE!!!"

The other kid confirmed it and said "Dude we definitely should've asked him what does he do for his workout."

Now before you get the wrong impression these guys WERE NOT talking about me they were talking about someone else in the gym that day.

If they were talking about who I think they were talking about then the guy definitely is a BEAST and aside from being BIG overall he has some pretty big arms that obviously get attention from guys who wanna know how he got his arms that big.

Which Made Me Realize Something.

Aside from just being BIG, I realized that EVERY guy has one or more body parts that they would love to grow as big as can be.

It's funny because I was talking to Jimmy the other day and I told him, once we're done with this strength training program I want you to create a big arm and big chest program for me.

I told Jimmy...

"My goal is to grow my chest and my arms so BIG that when I reach for my diploma at graduation I want my robe to split in two"

It's funny because we all have that body part or body parts we want to be "GI-NORMOUSLY" big.

I know guys who are OBSESSED with building a WIDE BACK (JIMMY is one of them) In fact Jimmy's told me on a few occasions "I want my back to be so wide that I have to turn sideways just to fit into the doorway... that's when I know I've arrived"

I also know guys who want MONSTROUS ARMS, they say stuff like "I want my arms to be so big that they rip my sleeves apart every time I flex my arm"

And 9 times out of 10 you'll also here guys like us say, "Yeah, I want to walk into a room and have every guy say "Damn, that guy is a BEAST"... it never fails.

Of course there's nothing wrong with wanting these things - it makes for GREAT MOTIVATION.

But once I heard those two guys talking about this, that's when it hit me that we ALL think like this, me and jimmy included.

I Call These "Special" Body Parts Your "BEASTLY" Body Parts.

Simply put it's the body part that you want people to see and instantly say "That guy's a BEAST..... lets not mess with him"

For me, my "BEASTLY" Body Parts are most definitely my Arms and my Chest.

And here's the funny thing. Even though I went through that Shocking Muscle Building Transformation these past few months. It won't be FULLY complete until I get those "BEASTLY" body parts (my arms and my chest).

It's weird. I've gained ALOT of muscle over these past few months, but for some reason it feels like something still isn't quite right. And when I hopped out the shower that day I finally figured it out. It's because my "BEASTLY" Body Parts aren't BEASTLY yet.

Don't get me wrong! My arms and my chest are certainly much bigger than they were before but they're just not on that "BEAST" level yet.

And that's what I'm pretty much going to be working on starting in the next few weeks. So from now into the next few months, I'll be a "BEAST IN TRAINING"

I Have Some GREAT NEWS For You.....

I almost forgot to tell you the best part of this whole thing.

You remember when I said that I told Jimmy that he HAS to make me a BIG ARM and BIG CHEST workout program.

(Jimmy is pretty much a Workout Routine GURU, and best believe I'm gonna take FULL advantage of it)


Once I realized what an impact these workouts are going to have at helping me get the physique I've ALWAYS wanted (225lbs with BEASTLY Arms and a BEASTLY Chest)

I thought about you guys and what an impact these workouts will have on your Transformations as well.

(I mean can you imagine walking into a room and having guys staring at you with INSTANT respect (and a little bit of jealousy) and have girls gazing at you with desire because you have the body of a BEAST)

Well after these workouts that Jimmy's gonna make for me I'll have to see for myself what this feels like 😉

So here's the deal....

When I saw how willing Jimmy was to make these workouts for me, I told him we should release these workouts to those who REALLY want it / NEED it. And Jimmy agreed.

But on one condition....

We only want those who are actually going to use it to get it. Jimmy and I both know how it feels to give our BEST advice to people who don't use, IT STINKS. It makes us feel like we've just wasted our time on someone who could care less about about what our advice could do for them, when we could've been helping someone whose willing to put in the work and get the results.

So if you're someone who bounces around from training program to training program before giving one of them a chance to give you the results you want or if you're one of those people who "half ass" things and try to take shortcuts then please don't request these workouts.

But if you're someone whose 100% dedicated to doing whatever it takes to build the body that you want, and get the respect, attention and confidence you deserve then click the link below to hop on our "Beastly Body Part Training - Notification list".

Click Here to claim your spot before it's too late

Sorry You're Too Late

PLEASE NOTE: Only those  who  are on this notification list will have access to these workouts.

Til next time.

Train like a BEAST,


P.S. - Remember only those on our "Beastly Body Part Training - Notification list" will have access to Jimmy's BEASTLY Body Part Workouts. So if you want to walk into a room and have guys (and girls) practically stop in their tracks and say "Got Damn, that guys a BEAST!!!"

Then I highly recommend you hop on our "Beastly Body Part Training - Notification list" ASAP by clicking the link below:

Click Here to claim your spot before it's too late

Sorry You're Too Late

P.P.S. - Don't forget to leave me a comment below and let me know what your BEASTLY Body part is.

Are You Lifting Too Much Weight In The Gym?

Wassup guys,

Today I have to get this off my chest because I don't want any of you guys to be like some of the guys I've seen at my gym.

You know the guys I'm talking about.

The guys who look brand spanking new to gym, barely look like they work out, and they're the ones who go and grab more weight than you do for an exercise.

I've seen this a number of times at the gym so far, and now that the weather is getting better, I'm starting to see these "guys" more and more often.

And after what happened to me yesterday I said "Enough is Enough".

So here's the story:

Yesterday, I was working on my "Pull" exercises as part of this strength training program I'm on, when this guy I've never seen before in the gym asks me to spot him.

(Note: I have been going to the gym the same time everyday for the past YEAR AND A HALF. Which means, if I haven't seen you there at that time before.... you haven't been going to the gym)

So of course I spot him on his exercise, which was Incline Dumb Bell Presses.

Problem #1: When I went over to give this guy a hand, I saw he was about to do this exercise with 70lbs Dumbbells.

Now I've been on a strength training program for the past 9 weeks or so and I "just" graduated to doing Incline DB Presses with 80 lbs Dumbbells. And this guy who looks like he barely works out, is about to do this with 70 lbs. That's a problem!

Problem #2: He asked me to help him lift the weight off his chest on the VERY FIRST REP.

Ok, it's one thing to give someone a "lift", like helping them unrack the Barbell if they're doing Bench Presses. and then it's something completely different to have someone lift the weight off your chest because the weight is too heavy for you to do so under you own power.

Problem #3: He was only going "half way" down.

I imagine you guys can picture how this exercise is done. It's pretty simple, you bring the weight down to your chest and you push up.

Since the weight was too heavy for the guy he was only able to go halfway down (if that) if he would have gone any further than there would have been an accident on our hands.

Problem #4: I gave him some advice and he didn't take it.

As helpful as I am, I'm somewhat reluctant to give advice to those who did not ask for it. Because in all honesty, most guys don't want to hear it.

They just want to do what they "think" they saw in a magazine one time and they'll be fine. But I saw that if this guy continues doing what he's doing, he's not only going to waste his time, he's seriously going to hurt himself or someone else (by picking a weight he can't fully control)

So, after his set I told him, "I think you're using too much weight for this exercise. You need to be able to go down all the way and feel a good stretch at the bottom" He looks at me and says "Ok, I think I'll try 60lbs next time".

First off, I think 60lbs would still be to heavy for this guy and second, he didn't even drop the weight he went back and did his 70lbs "whatevers" because those definitely wasn't Incline DB Presses he was doing.

Once I saw that he didn't take my advice, I told myself "That's the last time I spot that guy". And it's not to be mean or anything, hey it's a free country, if he wants to train improperly and waste his time at the gym so be it. But I refuse to let him waste my time as well.


Lesson of Today's Story:

3 Ways to Tell If You're Using Too Much Weight



1. If You Need Help Getting It Up

- If you need help lifting the weight from the starting position (i.e. off your chest) for the very first rep, then you're using too much weight.

2. If You're Struggling To Get AT LEAST 6 Reps On A Given Weight

- Remember, if you're goal is to build muscle then you should be doing 6 - 10 reps "roughly" each set. If you can't do AT LEAST 6 reps then you're using too much weight

3. If You Can't Keep Proper Form Using A Given Weight

- FORM IS EVERYTHING, if you can't keep proper form then you're wasting your time and you seriously put yourself at risk of getting injured on certain exercises.

Later on me and Jimmy will be posting some videos on how to do exercises with "proper form" so you guys know how to do these exercises with proper form and technique.

This is a REALLY IMPORTANT lesson you need to learn so I'm gonna take a page out of Jimmy's Workout commandments:


Work out your body, NOT YOUR EGO!

- This means PERFECT YOUR FORM FIRST, ADD WEIGHT LATER. I’d rather have perfect form and lift moderate weight on an exercise than lift a ludicrous amount of weight with terrible form.

I'll admit it, I was on of these guys myself. And it's EXACTLY what Jimmy said, I was working out my Ego rather than my body. In my eyes I didn't want to look like a "weakling" in the gym.

I had to learn some of my lessons the hard way, but it ultimately took getting advice from guys who had success building muscle and transforming their bodies to turn everything around for me. (Similar to what I'm doing with you guys right now).

So if you're one of these guys (or think) you're one of these guys who are using too much weight in the gym..... STOP IT!!!

You're only hurting yourself and killing your results in the long run.

Ok, I'm through venting, thanks for listening guys.

I hope you enjoyed today's lesson / rant.


P.S. -Let me hear what you think! Leave me a comment below if you agree, disagree or know of guys who are using too much weight in the gym.

Build Muscle Challenge March Update

Hey guys,

As you may or may not have noticed, I've made some DRASTIC cosmetic changes to the blog. I know, I know, it’s wayyyy overdue. But I’m glad with the results.

Aside from the cleaner look and feel there’s also a few features I’ve added that’ll make this blog THE SPOT to go to for muscle building advice.

New Feature #1... Your Comments

The first feature is this little WordPress widget called Comment Reply Notification. You don’t need to know what it is but here’s how it’s gonna help you.

Remember, my goal for this blog is to help you become BIGGER, STRONGER and more CONFIDENT through the body transformation process.

And the only way I can ensure that I’m helping you to the fullest is for us to interact. So at the end of every post, I’ll open the discussion for comments, questions, feedback etc. This is where you can ask a question about something you don’t quite get, add something you’d like to share, and so on.

This is the place to go to ask VERY SIMPLE questions. (If you’d like us to tell you EXACTLY what you’re doing wrong and help give you a game plan then fill out your What Am I Doing Wrong Questionnaire.)

My goal is to respond to EVERY COMMENT that I get on my blog. Because I know the more interaction you get with people who have gone through what you’re going through and have gotten results, like Jimmy and myself, the closer you’ll be to reaching your goals.

But what’s cool about that widget thingy is that it will email you once me, Jimmy or any of your fellow subscribers and readers reply to your comment as well.

So you’ll be instantly notified when someone responds to your comment.

(By the way, if you left me a comment on my recent posts then you'll see that I've replied to your comments and questions and you should've received an email from the widget thingy - let me know if you didn't because this is pretty important)

New Feature #2... Facebook and Tweets

The second new feature I’ve added was Facebook and Twitter buttons to every post. This is cool and it’ll help you out tremendously because this’ll help me gauge what information you guys want more of.

This goes hand in hand with the amount of comments a particular article gets as well. If we see more and more people interacting with a certain type of article or a certain subject that’s how we’ll know what to focus more on.

For example if we see that our Diet & Nutrition posts are getting alot of Facebook likes and “Tweets” (I can’t believe I’m a grown man using the word Tweets... very weird feeling), then me and Jimmy will start to focus in on more Diet and Nutrition related Tips.

So if you like a particular article, or post and you have a Facebook or Twitter account don’t be afraid to hit the Like and Tweet buttons to let us know that you like it. Plus if you feel that the information we shared will help someone you know, that will be a great way to spread the word and help someone else out, (which is what this entire blog is about)

My "Revealing" Update

Here's my "Revealing" update I've been telling you about. And it has to do with my new About page.

On this page I reveal my TRUE intentions for this blog and where I want to see it headed in the future, I also reveal some NEVER BEFORE SEEN pics of my 1st (40lbs in 4 Months) Transformation.

Yes, I finally managed to dig these photos out of my hard drive and post them up (after getting tons of requests to see these pics)

Warning: Part of the reason it took so long for me to post these pics is because, I really did start slacking off toward the end of my bulking phase and my waist line paid the price. (I basically stopped doing cardio, ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted)

Even though I was bulking and the goal was to build muscle and add some fat the end result was that I did gain ALOT of SIZE and MUSCLE but I gained WAY more fat than I should’ve. Which is why I decided to do things right this second time around.


Click here to read my REVEALING About Page and My SHOCKING Transformation Pics


Lastly, I also have an

IMPORTANT Big Announcement....

to make later in the week that will require you to take action on IMMEDIATELY if you want to continue receiving emails from me, yes it's that BIG (that's what she said - sorry been watching the Office alot lately 🙂 ).

Stay tuned for that announcement because it’s EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.

Train hard


P.S. - Let me know what you think of the new design and the new features and if there’s any other features you’d like to see added by leaving a comment below. Til next time guys.