Build Muscle Challenge 7 Day BootCamp

Step 5: Hitting the Nitro Button On Your Muscle Gains…


So today I'm going to reveal to you some pretty powerful techniques when it comes to seeing explosive muscle gains.

Pay close attention to this section because it's what’s going to catapult your muscle gains to a new level FAST.

In order to get consistent results fast, week in and week out, you have to combine your proper muscle building nutrition with your nutritional windows of opportunity that I’m about to share with you.

What are windows of opportunity?

Windows of Opportunity are periods of time when your body is primed for certain nutrients that lead to MAXIMUM muscle building and minimal fat storage but it all depends on what you consume at that time.

There are 4 key windows you HAVE to take advantage of if you want to build muscle fast.

If you feed your body the wrong foods when these windows are closed (the right nutrients at the wrong time) you might not see any muscle gain benefits in fact you may see some monstrous FAT gains. So be sure you’re intaking the right nutrients at these key times.

In order for your body to become an unstoppable muscle building machine, you must learn when these windows are open and what to feed your body during these times.

Window #1: Your Morning Window:

The period, when you first get up.

Since your body has been fasting (been without food) for the past eight hours you're going to need energy, and protein and FAST.

You must consume “fast acting carbs” and “easily digestible protein” during breakfast.

As for your breakfast carbs (a good rule of the thumb, the sweeter the better).

During this time your body is “craving carbs” and is primed toward burning as much carbs as possible, fat gain during this time is minimum to none because your body will simply increase your metabolism to burn any excess carbs rather than store it as fat.

Here’s a few sources for fast acting breakfast carbs:

  • Bananas
  • Grapes
  • Orange juice
  • Apple juice
  • Fruits in general
  • Even a sports drink like Gatorade

Pretty much anything that contains simple sugars.

(My favorite source of “fast acting breakfast carbs” is good ‘ol low fat yogurt)

These are some good examples of the carbs you should consume as soon as you get up.

For protein, if you can consume your protein in liquid form that would be optimal, because it’s easier and faster to digest liquid protein than protein found in solid foods.

Here’s a few sources for fast acting breakfast Protein:

  • High quality protein drink
    • For best results, consume hydrolyzed (partially digested) protein during this time.
  • Milk
  • Eggs

…are just a few good examples of the type of foods you should consume for your protein AS SOON AS YOU GET UP in the morning.

There are 3 other essential Windows Of Opportunity you should look to exploit in order to see super fast muscle gains but this is by far one of if not the MOST important. The reason is because your morning window opens up EVERYDAY you wake up.

The other windows primarily open up at key times in and around your workouts. They take a little bit more detail to explain but they very powerful.

So in the interest of saving my fingers from alot of typing while still teaching you how to exploit probably the most important workout window I decided to search for a video that'll explain the ins and out for you.

It took a little while but I finally found a video put out by my friend / trainer Vince Del Monte and it explains everything you need to know about how you can exploit your most important workout window. (It's less than 5 minutes but the information is spot on and so simple you could use during your very next workout)

Window #2: Post Workout Window

By: Vince Del Monte

Click here to learn more tips from Vince DelMonte

No lie, exploiting these windows of opportunity is what literally helped me bulk up quicker and almost effortlessly compared to all my other attempts at building muscle.

Imagine you're in a car going 100 mph down a straight away, (that's you doing everything right when it comes to building muscle; you're eating right, you're working out right, etc). Now picture your car SCREAMING down the roadway at 210 mph all because you pushed the nitro button (that's you, when you consume the right foods and nutrients at the exact time your body needed it).

That's the effect you get when you learn how to master these windows of opportunity.

The only program I've seen that explains how to exploit every single one of these windows of opportunity is in Vince Del Monte's No Nonsense Muscle Building program. Click here to check it out for yourself.

But even if you don't know how to exploit all of your windows right now, I've shown you what I believe to be the two most important (Your morning window and your post workout window). Which means you can take what you've learned today and see for yourself what a difference these windows make when you combine them with a proper meal plan and a proper workout plan.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's lesson because I'm going to give you the last piece of the formula. And it's basically "How to MAXIMIZE your gains outside the gym". And let me tell you, odds are you're falling into some of the very same traps I'll be going over in tomorrow's lesson.

See you tomorrow,

Richard Knight
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