Remember yesterday when I said the FIRST thing you need to do is choose your weight gain goal and how you want to get there.
And do you remember when I said to write down on a piece of paper how much weight you want to gain and how fast you want to gain it?
Well, I hope you wrote it down because I'm going to be showing you something pretty cool and you're going to need those numbers.
So, today's lesson is all about "Knowing your numbers".
And THIS is an area where ALOT of guys screw up (and yes, I'm included in this as well). When I first started out I had no clue on:
- How many calories I should be eating each day?
- How much protein I should eat during each meal?
- How many carbs I should be eating daily?
- How much fats I should be consuming per meal?
- etc.
And with the amount of questions I've answered on this topic I KNOW for a fact there's a 90% chance you're struggling with this as well. But that's all going to end TODAY.
I want you to pay close attention to this section because you can’t build muscle without the right nutrients or the right “amount” of nutrients for that matter. No matter how hard you work out at the gym, if your body doesn’t have enough calories it will not build muscle – in fact your body just might eat away at the muscles you currently have if you’re not careful.
Remember, it’s like trying to build a bigger, stronger house without having enough bricks, it’s just not going to happen.
That’s why having the proper nutrition plan is so important, because it allows you to feed your body exactly what it needs in order to grow bigger and stronger.
So the first thing you need to do to help make your own muscle building nutrition plan that builds muscle in the least amount of time is to Know Your Numbers.
You NEED to know your numbers! This is important because you want to make sure that you’re consuming enough nutrients for your body to build the most amount of muscle as fast possible.
So EXACTLY What Numbers Do I Need to Know Rich?
Well if you want to gain a substantial amount of muscle (I'm talking 10 lbs or more) then it's VITAL you know your numbers.
Here’s the numbers you need to know:
- Total amount of calories you need to consume each day
- Total amount of protein you need to consume each day
- Total amount of carbs you need to consume each day
- Total amount of fat you need to consume each day
But more importantly you need to know your MEAL BREAKDOWN.
You need to break your numbers down on a Per Meal Basis – this way you know how much to eat during each and every meal (there's no guessing).
Which means more importantly you NEED to know:
- Total amount of calories you need to consume per meal
- Total amount of protein you need to consume per meal
- Total amount of carbs you need to consume per meal
- Total amount of fat you need to consume per meal
In other words you need to know EXACTLY how much protein, carbs and fats you should be consuming EACH MEAL for maximum muscle gains and fast results.
And this is where most guys mess up. This is where I messed up, and I'm pretty sure this is where you're messing up as well.
Why Do I Need to Know These Numbers?
Well remember the formula I showed you two days ago. It's the same formula that EVERYTHING I do is based on (yeah, it's that powerful):
Proper Nutrition + Proper Workout + Proper Recovery
= Head Turning Results FAST
That's it. All you need to do is combine these 3 things and BAM you get instant muscle gains. And I hope you notice what's the first ingredient in that formula. Yep, "Proper Nutrition". See the reason why you need to know your numbers is because without knowing your numbers, you're simply winging it (and I think you know what I'm talking about) just guessing and "hoping" that the meals you're eating are enough for you to gain weight and build muscle.
Well the truth is, odds are you're not even coming close to what you need to be consuming to see the results you want. And it's simply because you really don't know how much carbs, protein and fats you need to be consuming each day to build the muscle you want.
How to Find Your Numbers:
Well, there’s a lot of math that goes into finding your numbers and there are several factors that have to be taken into account to determine how many calories, carbs, protein and fats you need to consume in order to build the amount of muscle you want.
Well you basically have 3 options to find your numbers:
1.You can do it yourself:
You can use one of the dozens of formulas out there to figure out how many calories you need to gain weight. One of the more popular ones is the Harris Benedict Formula. I'm not even going to try to explain how to do that on this page. Here's the link to a great website if you want to figure it out yourself: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/harris-benedict-equation/
- This formula will give you a general number of how many calories you need to gain weight
2. Use a calculator tool:
There are also a few free calculator tools that you can use to find your numbers. The best site I've found that'll help you find your numbers is at:http://www.freedieting.com/tools/weight_gain_calculator.htm
- This tool will give you a good barometer of how much you should be consuming on a per meal basis.
3 Use my "NEW" Weight Gain Calculator
Instead of plugging in 20 different fancy schmancy algebra equations or using some generic tool to get a barometer estimate of how much carbs, fats and protein you should be consuming on a per meal basis I've created a tool that’ll make the process of finding your EXACT numbers a breeze.
Remember those two questions I told you to write the answers to:
- how much weight you want to gain
- how fast you want to gain it
Well, with my Weight Gain Calculator:
- You'll know exactly how many carbs, protein and fats you NEED to consume based on how much weight you want to gain and how fast you want to gain it. Yep, it'll tell you EXACTLY how much you should be consuming for EACH meal to reach your goal weight in the timeframe you want. It's targeted to YOUR specific weight gain goals!
- You can INSTANTLY find your numbers and your MEAL BREAKDOWN
- Just enter in 7 pieces of info about yourself and my specially designed calculator will calculate EXACTLY how much you need to be consuming to reach your weight gain goal so you build muscle at the rate you want.
I used to offer access to my Weight Gain Calculator only those who got my DVD Case study but I've decided that I can help ALOT more guys if I allowed anyone whose serious about building muscle and transforming their body access to this tool.
And I'm going to give you VIP access to my Weight Gain Calculator just for being serious and making it this far into your 7 day bootcamp.
This Weight Gain Calculator is so powerful, I actually had second thoughts on whether or not to give you VIP access. Truth be told, I had people throwing money at me to use this tool before I even released it. So please take my advice and take advantage of this tool while you can before I change my mind and begin charging for access to it.
Check out the video below, to learn step by step how to use my Weight Gain Calculator to find out once and for all the:
- Total amount of calories you need to consume per meal
- Total amount of protein you need to consume per meal
- Total amount of carbs you need to consume per meal
- Total amount of fat you need to consume per meal
Click here to claim your VIP access to my Weight Gain Calculator Tool
Don't forget, knowing your numbers is a super duper important step you need to take in order to see the results you want. Remember, if you want to gain over 10lbs of muscle than you definitely NEED to know your numbers.
It really doesn't matter which option you choose, the point I'm trying to get across is that you NEED to find your numbers. And you need to know them for tomorrows lesson.
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So for tomorrows lesson make sure you use one of these options and write down your numbers:
- Total amount of calories you need to consume per meal
- Total amount of protein you need to consume per meal
- Total amount of carbs you need to consume per meal
- Total amount of fat you need to consume per meal
See you tomorrow with the next lesson,
Richard Knight
[email protected]
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