I love receiving feedback and questions from my readers.
Eventually me and Jimmy will be more accessible via Facebook and Twitter (I know what you're saying, "Get with the times Rich, everyone's at least on Facebook" 馃檪 but for now the best way to get in contact with us is via Email.
If you have any questions or suggestions and you need to get in contact with one of us then please feel free to contact us at:
jimmy [AT] buildmusclechallenge.com
richard [AT] buildmusclechallenge.com
You鈥檒l get a personal reply from either one of us or someone else on the Build Muscle Challenge team. But please allow up to AT MOST 72 hours for a response a) we get ALOT of questions thrown our way daily b) we BOTH have EXTREMELY busy schedules (Jimmy's a grad student and I'm a full time senior wit a part time job in between classes.
To prevent your email from getting blocked by spam filters, make sure you add both
jimmy [AT] buildmusclechallenge.com and rich[AT] buildmusclechallenge.com to your Safe List so our response does not go to your Bulk Folder or Junk Folder.
Always do a full scan of your bulk folder or junk mail folder to ensure that your reply e-mail wasn鈥檛 mistaken as spam.
Richard Knight