Archives for 2011

Are You STILL Making These Bone-Head Mistakes?

Alright, so I revealed to you the #1 reason you're not building muscle, and why 90% of all you're hard work is going down the drain.

Now I'm going to share with you 2 more "Bone - Head" Mistakes most guys make when they're trying to build muscle.

Don't feel bad if you've fell victim to some of these mistakes because the truth is I did too. I've made TONS of "Bone - Head" mistakes and by sharing what I've learned with you I can at least help save one guy the pain, agony, frustration, and wasted time and energy on doing the WRONG THINGS.

The truth is, I made these mistakes because no one told me to look out for this stuff. And I'm pretty certain if you're not getting the results you want, no one has shared these mistakes with you either.... Until now!

"Bone - Head" Mistake #1: Horrible Form

It never fails, every time I go to the gym I see guys who do not practice good form. These guys usually don't last long in the gym for a number of reasons. First, by not practicing good form you're working out other muscles than the one you should be focusing on.

I've seen guys do exercises like bicep curls and their form is so bad that they're actually working out their shoulders and back more than they're working out there biceps.

Which do you think would give you better results?

1- Dumbbell Curls w/ Proper Form: Targets your biceps 100%
2- Dumbbell Curls w/ “Bad” Form: Targets your biceps 65%, your shoulders 25%, your back 10%

Obviously #1!

But most guys who are not seeing the results they want do #2 and wonder why their muscles aren’t growing.

Example of “Horrible” Form


Your muscles need a certain level of contraction in order to stimulate muscle growth. By not practicing proper form and good technique you're not giving your muscles that same level of contraction that it needs to grow.

Second, you increase your risk of injury. By not practicing proper form and good technique for every exercise you really run the risk of hurting yourself.

For certain exercises, it’s critical to perform the exercise properly like squats, deadlifts and shoulder presses for example, because if you don't you're literally an inch or two away from severely injuring yourself (trust me, I know of a few guys who have).

There are two main reasons why guys who do not practice good form don't last too long in the gym.

The first reason is because they bust their butt in the gym for weeks if not months and wonder why they aren't seeing any results and if they do see results, they're few and far between, because their form is so bad.

And the other reason is because they've literally injured themselves to the point where they don't feel comfortable going to the gym again or worse… they’re physically unable to.

So if you've been going to the gym for some time now and haven't seen the results you wanted. You may fall into this category of not using proper form and proper technique with your exercises.

You need to use proper form and proper technique on EVERY exercise during EVERY rep to get results.

"Bone - Head Mistake" #2: Following Advice from Someone Who's Not Like You

When it comes to building muscle every one's body is different. With that said there are some guys who naturally build muscle fast and some guys who have to work a little harder at it (like you and me).

One of the quickest ways to get frustrated and sabotage your results is to follow the advice of someone who is not like you or doesn’t know how your body works.

Take for example, Kobe Bryant, and Shaq. Can you imagine Shaq taking advice on how to play the game from Kobe? Can you imagine Shaq trying to make moves, shoot threes, and dribble the ball like Kobe?

As a basketball fan that would be a “frightening” thought.

Well the same goes for following advice from guys who “naturally” build lots of muscle. You can't expect to do the same things they do and see results, because it's just not going to happen.

This was one of my big mistakes. Growing up, I used to follow the advice of family members and friends who all they had to do was sneeze to build muscle and wonder why I couldn't see results.

So if you're a skinny, or you naturally struggle at building muscle and gaining weight it's crucial to your success that you follow advice from former skinny guys and guys whose body’s naturally struggle to build muscle because they know how your body works and they know what it responds to, and what kind of stimulation it needs to build muscle.

I fell for these mistakes BIG TIME when I was starting out and I know you're probably falling victim to these as well. And let me tell you... IT STINKS to bust your butt in the gym, buy all these weight gainers and protein supplements and "magic" muscle pills, powders and potions and watch all your hard work and MONEY go down the drain.

And that's why I created the 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide. This guide will give you EVERYTHING you need to see results FAST and Gain 10lbs in 1 Month.

This training guide reveals 11 top muscle building mistakes that are ZAPPING your muscle gains away and you you probably have NO IDEA what's going on.

Your 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide even comes with a Free 30 Day Meal Plan & 30 Day "Fast Results" Workout Plan.... which means there's no guess work, just follow the plan and BAM instant results.

I really want you to start getting the results you deserve, which is why I decided to give this training guide + the 30 day Meal Plan + the 30 Day "FAST RESULTS" Workout Plan FREE OF CHARGE.

So if you’re not getting the results you want and you know your falling victim to 1 or more of these "bone - head" mistakes then you owe it to yourself to claim your FREE 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide while you still have the chance.

Sorry You're Too Late

You might be kicking yourself later if you don’t.

Train hard,


Building Muscle Without Supplements

Can you really build muscle and get huge without supplements?

Yes you can!!!

If you think otherwise, either you've fallen for the hype that these supplement companies are selling you or you really don't understand the significant role whole foods have on the body.

Why whole foods are actually better than supplements? for starters whole foods are packed with nutrients, and unlike supplements whole foods aren't packed with preservatives and weird "man made" chemicals.

Plus don't forget your body was designed to break down whole foods (foods that are created by nature).

Reminder: You DON'T NEED Supplements to Build Muscle

Supplements are only "essential" at certain throughout the day when it's impractical to consume whole foods.

For example: right after your workout - Consuming Whey Protein is way more effective (will hit your muscles faster) then eating 6 - 10 eggs, or downing 5 tall glasses of milk right after your workout.

(you’d probably puke if you had to down all of that RIGHT after a workout)

Supplements are also ideal as a "Meal Backup" - an emergency meal alternative you can consume or quickly down when you're not able to have a "real" meal.

So please remember: “You DON’T NEED Supplements to Build Muscle”

Yes supplements make things alot more convenient but you don't NEED them to build muscle.

In fact, if you don't believe me. I highly recommend you try my 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge without taking supplements and if you follow it to the "T" I guarantee you'll see results, and it’ll literally open your eyes to the true power of what a proper muscle building diet can do.

So stop thinking supplements is the key to building muscle because it's not! I used to think this way, and trust me I've seen far better results when I focused on following a proper muscle building diet rather than what's the next super duper supplement coming out.

The truth is, as great as you may think supplements are they can't “replace” a proper muscle building diet.

So put this article down and start chowing down on some proper muscle building food.

Train hard,


The #1 Reason You Aren’t Building Muscle!

So you're doing everything you can possibly think of to build muscle and gain weight.


  • Busting your butt in the gym
  • Eating more food
  • Drinking these crazy supplements
  • Following the muscle building magazines
  • Spending hours on Youtube trying to figure it all out
  • Reading TONS of articles
  • Signing up for countless newsletters

and at the end of it all, weeks later..... You still look EXACTLY the same as the day you started.

And because of this, you're frustrated, tired, pissed off, down, depressed and feel like giving up.

How do I know all this?


"I Know What It’s Like to NOT See Results"

To “slaughter” yourself in the gym and still not see any difference. To spend money on “miracle” supplements and none of them work. And the hopeless feeling of not knowing what the heck you’re doing wrong….

Yeah I've been there!!!

But ever since I figured out the "secret" formula if you will, to building muscle I get alot of questions.

And from the countless number of emails I respond to where guys tell me EXACTLY what they're doing to build muscle I've pinpointed a major common factor between most of them.

The #1 Reason You Aren't Seeing Results

The truth is... if you're reading this right now and you know you fall into this category I can tell you that there's a 99.9% chance that....

You're Simply NOT Eating Enough

That's right, the day I started seeing some life changing PERMANENT results was the day I realized I wasn't consuming enough calories each day to ALLOW my body to build muscle AND did something about it.

I used to think all it took was for me to suck down some "miracle" protein drink, nibble on a few snacks here and there and maybe eat a big breakfast and BAM muscle gains.

I'm going to tell you something right now that you NEED to realize.

How to Tell if You're Not Eating Enough

Put it this way:

  • If you're a skinny guy or a hardgainer and you aren’t constantly nibbling on food and eating every few hours, then you're NOT eating enough.
  • If at any point during the day you feel hungry or your stomach feels empty then you're NOT eating enough.
  • If you're trying to gain weight and build muscle and you’re “comfortably” consuming your meals for the day, in other words, it's not a "challenge" for you to complete each and every meals for the day then you are NOT eating enough.

This is such a a BIG mistake I see with alot of skinny guys and hardgainers that it's actually the very FIRST mistake I go over in my "30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide"

How to Get Over This Hurdle "Blazing" FAST

So I realized that alot and I mean ALOT of guys don't know what, when and how often to eat to truly build muscle and start seeing results.

And that's why...

"I've Included A PROVEN, Super Simple, Easy and Cheap, 30 Day Muscle Building Meal Plan In My NEW 30 Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide"

Beastly Body Part Training Manuals(Release Date: Thursday July 7, 2011)

I really want you to start getting the results you deserve, which is why I decided to include this Meal Plan with your 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide.

So if you're not getting the results you want and you know your diet isn't up to par then you owe it to yourself to claim your 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide while you still have the chance

In all honesty, when I release this training guide on my blog on Thursday July 7, 2011 this training guide MAY OR MAY NOT have a price tag attached to it.

BUT, I will be releasing this guide to a few select people absolutely FREE of charge who are REALLY interested, and ready to apply what I reveal in this guide to their lives.

So if you want to GUARANTEE that you'll get your 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge FOR FREE then I highly recommend that you fill out the quick form below and put yourself on the Early Release Notification List before it's too late.

You might be kicking yourself later if you don't.

Train hard,


P.S. - I'm releasing my 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge Training Guide on Thursday July 7, 2011

But I don't want people to DE-VALUE the life changing results this guide WILL bring, which is why I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about charging for people to get their hands on this guide. It covers ALOT.

BUT, I will be releasing this guide to a few select people absolutely FREE of charge who are REALLY interested, and ready to apply what I reveal in this guide to their lives.

So if you want to GUARANTEE that you'll get your 30 Day Build Muscle Challenge FOR FREE then I highly recommend that you fill out the quick form below and put yourself on the Early Release Notification List before it's too late.

You'll seriously be KICKING yourself if you miss out.